
Monday, July 30, 2012

Look what I've found!

 Ahh, extra busy day. Yesterday me and my brother brought my grand grandfather's workbench to my garage. Suprisingly it fit to my car. Although it's a Land Rover I doubted that we would be able to press this huge 2-meter-long table inside. So now, papa is home, or I'd rather say grand grand papa, or better.
 My grandfather told me that only legs of this workbench were made by my grand grandfather, the top was made at least before the World War II as it was found in a house in which they live now after Germans abandoned Wrocław (which was then named Breslau). There is really a big dose of history laying behind it and that makes me even more eager to renew it and use as my own workbench. Passed through the generations.
 On the photo below you can compare it's length to a size of the Mini or the wheel of my car ^^

 And close-ups captured today. The workbench is quite damaged, but regarding it survived the war, was completely under water during a flood in 1997 and stood in my grandparent's cellar for couple of decades it is in suprisingly good condition. It's complete, on the photo it is partially disassembled as I need to fix the vise. Somehow, during those years pressure made by extending table top broke a part of the vise in halves. And of course, woodworms left a lot of signs of their past existence in the wood, fortuantely most parts are made of so thick material that holes and caves made by the worms don't really affect table's durability.

 The top has very complicated structure made during those years of usage. I don't really want to flatten it as it would take a part of it's soul away. I don't need it completely flat, I will use it mainly as a big vise for boards during activites that need sturdy ground.
 I needed to make a damaged part of the vise. On the photo you can see: below - the old part, broken, cut and etc. partially by woodworms, and partially by a humidity; and on the top - new one. I needed to work a lot with a chisel, making only first bigger cuts with a tablesaw.

 The table still needs a lot of work, so don't expect me to suprise you with some new projects or finish those I've been making soon. But I will post some pictures and a description of a completed step stool I've made before. Have a nice day!

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